This week Bo...
- wears size 1 diapers
- wears 0-3 month clothes
- makes lots of noises
- tracks objects and people with his eyes
- sleeps 1 3 to 5 hour stretch at night
- doesn't like baths
- doesn't like getting his diaper changed
- naps between 1-2 hours
- went on a trip to Traverse City, MI
- stayed in a hotel for 3 nights in a drawer
- makes lots of faces
- loves looking at the ceiling, fan, wall, and mirrors
- likes stroller rides
- likes to see out of the stroller
- likes to suck on his fingers, thumb, hands, and arms
- responds to Mommy's voice
This week Bo...
- wears size 1 diapers
- wears 0-3 month clothes
- sleeps 2.5-3 hours at night
- sleeps 1-2 hours during the day
- very wiggly
- has baby acne
- eats every 2.5 hours
- likes to have his arms free
- makes noises-cooing
- smiles in sleep
- tracks with his eyes
- mimics mouth opening
- scratches face
- stays awake for a couple hours at a time
- loves stroller rides
- likes his bouncy seat
- loves to sleep in carseat and stroller
- doesn't like baths
- weighs 9 lbs 3 oz
- 21 in 1/2 inches long
- 15 1/4 in head
This week Bo....
- wears 0-3 month and newborn clothes
- wears size 1 diapers
- sleeps 2.5 hours at a time at night
- loves to sleep on his tummy on our chests
- is starting to track objects with his eyes
- started using a pacifier
- has been to Chick-fil-A twice
- is doing better nursing
- went to Dean's softball games
- went to church
- weighs about 8 lbs 9 oz
This week Bo...
- weighs 8 lbs 5 oz
- wears size 1 diapers because he kept having accidents out of the newborn ones
- umbillical cord fell off
- likes to sleep in your arms or on your chest
- does not like his cradle
- sleeps 1 to 1.5 hrs at a time
- wears newborn clothes and smaller 0-3 outfits
- has started sucking his fingers and thumb occassionally
- went to Chick-fil-A for the first time