Monday, April 2, 2012

Fall and Winter

Things have been going well since school started. We have been busy working and playing some too. We have spent some time in the National Forest dirtbiking and camping. We also really enjoy the horse races but don't go too much.
Over Thanksgiving we went to Breckenridge and Beaver Creek snowboarding. It was great even though there wasn't much snow. Thanks to the unseemly warm weather we decided to go back to Colorado for Spring Break. This time to Winter Park. Granby Ranch to be specific. We spent one day snowboarding at Sol Vista Basin. This is the best hidden secret. There we no lines and the snow got better as the day went on.The runs were also awesome and really long. If only it wouldn't have been so warm we would have went every day. We spent some time hiking around our hotel and in Rocky Mountain National Forest. Dean led us off the trail when we were hiking around Granby and we ended up postholing quite a long ways. Poor moxie was bunny hoping the whole way. She was so tired the whole rest of the week. That was a good thing. The national forest was beautiful and the trails were great hiking. We didn't see any animals but we did hear one elk. It was a really fun trip.
We are now back to the daily grind of school. The weather is getting hot. Its been in the 80s almost every day. We are looking forward to finishing the school year and getting ready for our summer adventure.
I will try to post more about our life not just vacation adventures and maybe even post pictures. Try being the important word. Thanks for reading! Come visit anytime.

Here are some pics from the Rocky Mountains.

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