Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 31 and Mother's Day

What a busy week!! Friday we had our ultrasound, Sunday we went to the Detroit Tigers baseball game, Tuesday Dean started softball games, and I was too busy to remember to take my weekly picture.
It was a busy yet very good week. Friday morning we headed back to the doctor to get another ultrasound. She wanted to check Bo's size and make sure he was growing properly. It was a pretty short ultrasound. We didn't get to see much of his face or body parts. He is definitely growing. He weighs approximately 3 lbs 7 oz. According to my baby app that is a little on the big side for week 31. It doesn't really explain why I am still measuring small but as long as he is growing and gaining weight, we are happy.
Sunday, Dean and I went with a group to the Detroit Tigers game. Neither of us had ever been to a Tiger's game before so we were pretty excited. It needed up being a very cool, windy day. That made for a cold afternoon but the game exciting. It ended up going into extra innings and then the Tigers lost. :( We were bummed about that but still had fun. We are hoping to maybe go one more time, just the two of us so that we can spend more time walking around the park and really enjoy the whole experience. Its difficult when you are with a large group. It was a pretty fun outing for my first Mother's Day.
We also started our summer of softball this week. Dean had his first Men's softball game this week. It was really fun. They won one game and lost the other. For not having played since last summer, Dean did really well. Of course, there is always room for improvement. :) I was really worried about how his knee would hold up but he managed pretty well out there in shortstop. His hair is also starting to get quite long and bushy. He can't keep his hat on very well and has started to put it in a ponytail on top of his head. It takes me back to the days when we were first dating and his hair was like that. I'm still an advocate for cutting it but I don't hate it.
Bo seemed to really enjoy the game too. He was quite active during the evening. He must have been cheering for his Daddy. He is becoming quite the active baby. He spends most of the day and night kicking and rolling. Sometimes it is so hard, it actually hurts. He is going to run out of room pretty quick, if I don't start getting bigger.
I haven't had any issues this week. I feel larger but I still move pretty easily and can do most everything I was doing before. It's amazing that I have already been pregnant for 31 weeks and it is almost over. It feels like it has flown by but I am not quite ready for Bo to come yet. There is still so much to be done.!

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