Friday, September 18, 2015

Reagan @ 3 months old

Reagan is now THREE months old. Time seems to fly by so much faster than when Bo was a baby. I guess that is what happens when you are also chasing around a very active two year old.

Weight: About 11 lbs maybe??
Size: She fits almost perfect in her 3 month tops. Her pants are still way too long, but it's still too warm for pants here.

Likes:being outside, riding in the stroller, bath time, the swing, being talked to, riding in the car, music, getting her diaper changed, Bo, being the center of attention, blowing bubbles, chewing on her fingers, Mommy, Daddy

Dislikes: having a dirty diaper, tummy time, being left alone, napping, wearing socks and pants

Milestones: smiles, laughs, rolls over from tummy to back, grasps objects, drools, blows bubbles

Bo loves her so much. He always wants to know where she is and what she is doing. If she is napping, he has to wake her up so she can play. She is generally not amused and gives a great frustrated face. He loves to play trucks with her and she is pretty tolerant most of the time. It is so cute to watch him interact with her. She is just starting to figure out he might be a fun guy to be around. Until he Hulk smashes her. Thanks Uncle Josh!

Adventures: Branson, an airshow, ran a 10k, play group, gymnastics, story time, the park, the swimming pool, the movie theater, outlet mall

Nickname: R-egg-ie, Baby Reagan

Reagan is such an easy going and happy baby. She doesn't mind getting carted along to play group or riding in the stroller for miles and miles. We love having her in our family and can't wait to see what she learns next.

Last month

We LOVE you Baby Reagan!!

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