Sunday, May 22, 2011

Colorful Colorado

After our short trip home we went back to my parents to get our dirt bikes and meet up with my grandparents for a week of camping in Estes Park, Colorado. My parents came too, they just drove seperately. We were so excited to be in the mountains. We really enjoyed the east coast but there is just something about going west that we love. We stayed with my family at the YMCA of the Rockies and my grandparents camped nearby.

One afternoon we went Whitewater Rafting. It was fun but freezing. There was a spot to get out and swim where when you jumped in the current carried you downstream. We had a really good guide and our friend Mike Anderson even came with us.

Another morning we went on a 2 hour horseback ride. We were the only people in our group which made it so much more fun. Dad had a great big slow horse and it was hilarious to see it maneuver around the rocks and down the steep grades. We had a lot of fun and even trotted some. We didn't see any wildlife but the view was still nice.

At night we went into Estes Park browsed the shops. We looked and looked for Elk all week but didn't see any. My grandparents and Josh drove up Fall River Road and saw lots of elk but we still hadn't seen any. On the last morning after everyone left we drove up Fall River Road to find some elk. We actually even got to see some young elk that had wandered into Estes Park that morning. The drive up the road was a little scary. The road was a one way narrow dirt road with lots of winding turns.
It made it even worse that we were pulling the dirtbikes. Dean was not bothered but I was. The drive up was actually really pretty. It even got better as we got higher.
We didn't see any elk until we got almost all the way to the top. The view was gorgeous.

We even crossed the continental divide on the way back down.

After we left the park we found a spot and went dirtbiking. It was quite muddy and I was quite scared so we didn't stay long.
We still had lots of the west to see. We had a great time with my family and grandparents. Thanks for a great vacation!!!

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