Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We arrived in Yellowstone National Park bright and early in the morning. We were very excited and couldn't wait to see all the geysers. We had to drive quite a long ways to get to Old Faithful but the drive was beautiful. We stopped along the way to look at some small geysers. The smell was quite similar to that at Thermopolis. Sulfur. We really enjoyed Yellowstone. It was a lot of walking but you could get up close to most all the geysers. There are other geysers besides Old Faithful that erupt throughout the day or every few days. The park rangers monitor the activity of the geysers and can predict up to minutes from when they will erupt. They aren't nearly as big but watching the steam come up is really cool. Maybe I will be able to post a video of Yellowstone later. Here is our trip in pictures.

Old Faithful

Brown Bear

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