Wednesday, July 25, 2012

George and Jorge

Some of you know that we started a new adventure this summer. Dean got offered a new job and so we moved. I won't disclose the location on the blog but if you want our new address email, call or text. Our new house is still being updated and decorated so I will save those pictures. If you know us at all, you know that we have always wanted a farm/ranch and farm animals. Moxie doesn't count, even though she is as big as our current farm animals. We were riding our bikes one night and went past this house with a huge barn and quite a few goats. Dean wanted to stop but no one was outside. He decided that if someone was out when we were riding home we would stop. At this point we had been in our house for 3 weeks and it is not ready for chickens, goats, cows, or horses. Dean didn't really care about that. Dean started talking with the lady and she showed us these two kids that she would be willing to sell. They were so cute with their little horns and so friendly. We decided we would talk about it an let her know. Right after we left Dean was ready. He really wanted the goats. So I decided we could get them for our anniversary. Our new house has a chicken coop so we decided we could put them in there. We bought all the essentials and some fencing and built them a nice little pen. That Tuesday we picked them up and brought them home. They are adjusting pretty well. They make a lot of noise and haven't really started eating the grass or weeds yet but they are fun to play with. Jorge has a flipped ear and is the lighter one. He is really friendly and loves us. George is not. He has the darker head and floppy ears.He will let you pet his face but always runs away when you try to get closer. Moxie sits out there just watching them. If she sneaks in the chicken coop, she chases them around and causes all sorts of problems. Once the boys get big they will be able to beat her up. Enjoy the pictures of our Boer goats and Moxie too.

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