Friday, August 31, 2012

August on the Ranch

Here is your monthly update on what's going on down at the ranch. I can't call it a farm. We don't have cows or corn. Things are going pretty well around here. The horses and goats are keeping us pretty busy. It seems like they are never satisfied. We have been letting the horses out into the yard to eat the grass. They do a pretty good job keeping it mowed. Shiloh and Lily are their names. We got them from a very nice family that lives in the next town over. They are both broke to ride and we have taken them across the road and down the trail behind the house and across the creek. Unfortunately, Dean tore his PCL playing softball on Sunday so we haven't been riding much this week. He can't ride and it is not much fun riding alone. George and Jorge (the goats) are doing fine. One morning George started sounding like a sick duck. Thankfully, he sounded normal at the end of the day. Sometime I will try to post a sound byte of how loud they are. They are cute, regardless. Here are some pictures of the horses, goats, and my garden. The plants are finally producing real veggies!!!

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