Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wild, Wonderful West Virginia

After all the excitement of The Appalachian Trail, we began our travel north toward the eastern seaboard. Our first stop was in Reedy, West Virginia. We planned an impromptu visit to see his Uncle Richard, Aunt Linda, Cousins Andrew, Neri, and girls, and Benji. We had a great time.

We arrived Friday afternoon and left Monday morning. Andrew, Neri, Dean, and I took our dirt bikes and Wesley's ATV exploring in the "hollers." We went over rocks, through creeks and overgrown grasses, and ended up quite a long way from the house. We even came across some horses that Dean HAD to ride bareback. When we finally made it out of all the brush and "hollers" Neri and I worked really hard to convince them to let us take the road home, so we wouldn't have to go back the way we came. The whole ride was really fun. I had one small injury to my already bruised knee and a couple of good, muddy wrecks but survived. Andrew rode my dirt bike for part of the journey. I really wish I had a picture of that. His legs were definitely too long for my bike.

After dinner that night we went into town to watch the guys play basketball in the park. Neri and I took their girls to the park while the guys played. It was fun watching the guys play. Thankfully, there were no injuries. Afterwards, we hit up Dairy Queen then headed back. It was a busy and fun Saturday.

Sunday, we were able to attend church and listen to Richard preach. It was a wonderful sermon. We also got to hear him preach at the evening service. We can thank Richard for introducing us to the Luke Bryan song, "Rain is a good thing." Every time we hear that song we think of the wonderful time we had with them.

Linda made us some wonderful food both Saturday and Sunday. It was a great contrast to granola bars, fruit snacks, and pb & j. We spent a lot of time just talking and listening to Richard tell stories. He gave us lots of great ideas for the rest of our travels. We were sad to leave early Monday morning but excited to begin exploring some of those places Richard and Linda told us about. Thanks so much McKenzies! We just may have to make another visit to West Virginia.

One of the many beautiful landscapes driving through W.V. thanks to Richard!