Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Less than two months to go!

Starting tomorrow there are 49 days left. Only 49. Usually 49 seems like a pretty large number. Not anymore.
This has been a very relaxed week. Of course, we were busy with work but it was otherwise pretty low key. Dean started playing on our coed work softball team, so now we are at Softball games on Tuesday nights and Sunday afternoons. Next week we add another men's softball league so we will be at 3 games a week. None of which I get to play in. Watching the coed team is like torture. I just want to play. I know I will get to play again but watching and eating dust from the field is no fun. Our team won though, so that's good.
I haven't had any issues this week either. Bo is being too good to me. I will say that he has moved from hard kickes and punches to pushing out everywhere. Sometimes my belly looks and feels so lopsided because of the way he is lying. He also rolls alot and makes waves across my tummy. He still won't do much if Dean is watching. When Dean reads to him, he usually moves quite a bit. He must like all the gunfighting Dean is reading about. He is reading the book, Bull Hunter by Max Brand. It is actually a pretty good story. I have only fallen asleep one night while Dean was reading. I can't think of anything really eventful that happened but it was a pretty good week. We are staying busy and that's the way we like it.

I think my photo gets worse each week. Or maybe it's my photographer's fault.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 31 and Mother's Day

What a busy week!! Friday we had our ultrasound, Sunday we went to the Detroit Tigers baseball game, Tuesday Dean started softball games, and I was too busy to remember to take my weekly picture.
It was a busy yet very good week. Friday morning we headed back to the doctor to get another ultrasound. She wanted to check Bo's size and make sure he was growing properly. It was a pretty short ultrasound. We didn't get to see much of his face or body parts. He is definitely growing. He weighs approximately 3 lbs 7 oz. According to my baby app that is a little on the big side for week 31. It doesn't really explain why I am still measuring small but as long as he is growing and gaining weight, we are happy.
Sunday, Dean and I went with a group to the Detroit Tigers game. Neither of us had ever been to a Tiger's game before so we were pretty excited. It needed up being a very cool, windy day. That made for a cold afternoon but the game exciting. It ended up going into extra innings and then the Tigers lost. :( We were bummed about that but still had fun. We are hoping to maybe go one more time, just the two of us so that we can spend more time walking around the park and really enjoy the whole experience. Its difficult when you are with a large group. It was a pretty fun outing for my first Mother's Day.
We also started our summer of softball this week. Dean had his first Men's softball game this week. It was really fun. They won one game and lost the other. For not having played since last summer, Dean did really well. Of course, there is always room for improvement. :) I was really worried about how his knee would hold up but he managed pretty well out there in shortstop. His hair is also starting to get quite long and bushy. He can't keep his hat on very well and has started to put it in a ponytail on top of his head. It takes me back to the days when we were first dating and his hair was like that. I'm still an advocate for cutting it but I don't hate it.
Bo seemed to really enjoy the game too. He was quite active during the evening. He must have been cheering for his Daddy. He is becoming quite the active baby. He spends most of the day and night kicking and rolling. Sometimes it is so hard, it actually hurts. He is going to run out of room pretty quick, if I don't start getting bigger.
I haven't had any issues this week. I feel larger but I still move pretty easily and can do most everything I was doing before. It's amazing that I have already been pregnant for 31 weeks and it is almost over. It feels like it has flown by but I am not quite ready for Bo to come yet. There is still so much to be done.!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

30 weeks-Only 10 more to go!!!!!

This was a very good week for us. It started with a Baby Shower in Iowa and ended with a thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. (My weeks start and end on Fridays) I didn't take any pictures at the shower but will try to get them from my sister and upload them here, so everyone can see her great decorations.
The drive to Iowa was pretty uneventful. I got to lie in the back for part of the trip which made it slightly more comfortable. Of course, the car was full on the way back, so no lying down for me. It's hard to get comfortable when you can't really put your legs up or your chair too far back. It was overall a rough 20 hours of driving. was freezing the whole time we were there. It was quite cold and rainy. Ironically, I was actually wishing to have our Michigan weather back.
The baby shower was very nice. My sister did an umbrella and rubber duck sort of spring shower theme. It fit pretty well, considering it was raining that day. Her decorations were very cute. We played the diaper game, where you melt different candy bars in the diapers and everyone has to guess what kind of candy bar is in each one. It was very funny. Especially since you really had to stick your nose close to the "poop" to smell the chocolate. We also made my grandpas, uncle, dad, brother, and Dean play it when we got home. Their reactions were hilarious! Everything was great! The cake and punch were delicious and we all had a very good time. We also received a lot of very nice gifts. Lots of diapers and clothes. Bo is going to be one well dressed baby. Now if only I could find a place to put everything.
The rest of week, once we returned went pretty quickly. Bo has been kicking like crazy all day and night and doesn't seem to mind our busy running around schedules. Hopefully, he will adapt just fine once he is born. Dean and I were both very busy this week and it seemed like we were hardly even at home. Dean had his first slow pitch softball game on our church team. It was fun to watch but makes me a little sad I won't get to play this summer. I asked Dean if maybe I could just hit, but he said no. He said maybe I could keep the book. So I guess that's a good compromise. He played pretty well and even got a Home Run!! The season goes all the way to August, so it will be fun to get to watch all summer. Plus, he will play on our coed work team so we will have softball 2 days a week. Add having a baby in there and we will be quite busy all summer long.
We have also been busy working outside and getting our lawn and garden ready for summer. Our neighbor tilled our garden and then tilled up much of our yard so we can plant new grass seed. Our yard is now a dirt mess but Dean says in a couple weeks it will look better. We shall see.... I think I will start planting the garden this weekend. I still have to plan out the spots and when everything should get planted but hopefully I can get that figured out next week.
We have much to do and only a little more than 60 days to do it.
Sorry about the picture quality. I hope you can tell I am growing a little bigger each week. I definitely feel bigger. Like a pumpkin.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

29 weeks

What can I say about this week? Nothing too exciting happened. We went back to the doctor. Everything looks good. We get to have another ultrasound May 10th to check on Bo's growth. I am measuring a little small for the timeline so they just want to make sure he is on track with our due date. Dean seems to think he is going to come early because there is no way I can give birth to a big baby without a C-Section. I think he is wrong but I guess we will just have to wait and see. I would like to make it until at least our due date week. While at the doctor,we also got our Delivery Preferences Brochure. It all sort of became real then. Only 11 weeks left and we really have to think about having this baby. I won't pretend I am not nervous about the labor and delivery part, but I am excited to get to meet our baby. I did tell Dean the other day that I will miss being pregnant, but he doesn't think so. Not in the middle of June, when I am even larger and it is 90 degrees out. I guess I should be thankful we are not in Houston anymore, where it would be hitting the 100s. I can't think of anything else that needs reporting. Our first baby shower is this weekend in Iowa. I am feeling great and not really craving anything special. I am very thankful things are so boring now. As the weather gets warmer and our due date gets closer, we will be getting busier and busier.