Monday, June 15, 2015

23 months of Bo

I wanted to do a little update on Bo before he becomes a big brother. It's a few days early but hopefully we will have a new baby by June 23rd.

At 23 months Bo

  • weighs approx 26 lbs
  • wears 18 month-2T tops
  • wears 12 month-18 month bottoms
  • wears size 5 diapers
  • wears size 6 shoes
  • loves trucks, cars, planes, trains-basically any type of vehicle
  • loves to be outside
  • loves playing in the dirt and rocks but doesn't really like to be dirty
  • loves playing in water
  • is pretty good at hitting a ball off a tee
  • loves to run
  • can identify most animals and say their sound if they make one
  • likes to sleep with a tractor, truck, and bucket truck
  • likes to talk about going potty but doesn't actually like to try and use the potty
  • takes 2 hour naps
  • sleeps through the night most of the time
  • has a big vocabulary and can repeat most of what he hears
  • is able to follow most directions and do what is asked
  • eats almost anything
  • LOVES jellybeans
Bo is such a happy boy. He loves to imitate whatever Dean does and be his helper. He doesn't quite understand that he is going to be a big brother or that there is going to be a baby moving in soon but he wants to help. We are so excited to see him in the role of big brother. He is constantly doing something new and always keeps us on our toes. I can't believe he is almost 2!!

It's almost baby time!

My due date is tomorrow. I had slight hopes that she would come before my due date but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have another doctor appointment on Friday and hope that we won't be going to it. I feel like we are ready and have everything ready but each day it seems there is something else I need to do or something I think I am forgetting. I am both excited and nervous to go back to the newborn stage. We are most excited about getting to see Bo become a big brother and finally having her here. It seems like this pregnancy has went both fast and slow. With Dean being gone at BMT, it seems like a big chunk of time just vanished. We are so glad to have him home and I am so glad he will be here when we have the baby. It has also been a big relief that my mom is here to watch Bo while we are in the hospital. Now we just wait until she is ready to make her appearance. 

I have been feeling pretty good and chasing Bo around keeps me from thinking about my aches and pains too much. My sciatic nerve has been bothering me most of this pregnancy so hopefully all that pain will be gone soon. I have tried to document this pregnancy, same as with Bo, but my selfies leave a little to be desired. 

39 weeks with Bo

39 Weeks
Fingers crossed, my next post will include a photo of a new baby!!!!