Friday, October 17, 2014


Happy Friday All!!  

One. Sick
This started about three weeks ago. Bo caught a cold that got progressively worse. Then it seemed to have went away. We were all so happy to be finished with it. Then on Monday, it came back with a vengeance. Cough and runny nose all over again. To make it worse, he passed it on to me. Now I'm coughing, blowing my nose, and feeling awful. If only Bo liked sitting still and watching tv. Then we could just snuggle the day away. Overall, it is probably a good thing he isn't into watching tv.

Two. Trip
Some of you know that Dean works a lot of weekends. It doesn't usually work out that he has lots of time off during the week but when he has a big weekend event he can take more time off during the week. Usually, it is spent working around the house and fixing things but not this week. We got a coupon in the mail and decided to use it. We got free passes to the brand new indoor water park and free Subway sandwiches. The free Subway pretty much sealed the deal. It was nice to relax and just get away. The water park was fun but kind of difficult to enjoy with a one year old. Bo didn't really love getting sprayed in the face with water either.
                                                             Pirate's Cay

Three. Leaves
I love the changing colors of the leaves. It almost makes me forget about the cold weather approaching. Our yard is quickly filling up with leaves. Bo and I went out today to play. I raked some up and tried to get him to jump in. He mostly just looked at me like I was crazy. He did walk through them a couple times and hit them with his hoe and rake. He really liked that crunchy noise they made. He still likes rocks better.

Four. Rocks
Big, small, and any color. That is the criteria for Bo's rocks. He loves rocks. First, it was picking them up and eating them. Then, it was putting them into his bucket, on the sidewalk, or in the grass. Now, it is putting the bucket to his mouth and trying to eat them. I have been able to get him to dump them out before it gets all the way to his mouth but it's a work in progress. Why do little boys love to eat rocks??

Five. Etsy
Last week I mentioned my sewing. I don't feel like I am a great salesperson, so I was very hesitant to sell anything that I have sewed. I think what I make is nice, of good quality, and cute. Plus, I enjoy sewing so I decided to take the plunge. Thanks to some encouragement from Dean and my sister, I opened my own Etsy shop. I am slowly adding things but don't want to go crazy adding things in there. I would love it if you checked out my shop. If there is something you would like me to make, I would be happy to sew it for you. I am getting some new fabric next week. Hopefully, things will start selling soon!
Nursing Infinity Scarves          Taggie Blanket for baby. Stimulates senses and helps develop fine motor skills.

So that is what has happened to us this week. Have a great weekend!

Linking up with ChristinaDarciNatasha, and April.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Meals on the Menu

Last week, I posted about the meal plan I created for the month of October. It is always difficult for me to think of new recipes and meals each night. I was hoping that creating a meal plan would not only save me time, but also save us money. So far, I think it is working. We haven't gone to the store near as much as previous months and I don't have to worry about not having ingredients. Of course, that first shopping trip was a little more expensive. We have only had to go to the store to buy produce and milk. I really HATE shopping so its AWESOME! I thought I would share what I am making this week. I hope this inspires you to try one or two and maybe even create your own meal plan. I will try to share some more of my meal planning tips in another post. I use the BigOven app on my phone to plan, shop, and add my own recipes.

I have not made all of these recipes previously, so if your family doesn't like it.....Sorry.
We almost always have a lettuce or spinach salad before our main dish also. We never get tired of salad.


I will probably only add a lettuce salad and garlic bread as sides to this dish.

For this recipe I dip in honey mustard instead of mayo and skip using the bread crumbs. Just use crushed cornflakes. Its just as good and easier!
I am planning on making mashed or baked potatoes and green beans.

Probably no sides with this dish as it has beans, veggies, and meat.
Thursday: Korean Beef
I have not made this recipe before. I will not be using green onions because we don't like them. I will probably won't use ginger either, as we don't usually have it on hand and I don't like buying ingredients that I won't use very often.
I will be serving this with brown rice and broccoli. 
Whole Wheat Crust
1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1-2 tsp baking powder
3/4 to 1 cup milk

I make this recipe so much that I don't really measure anymore. Especially with the milk. I pour and stir until wet. Add extra flour so it isn't sticky.
Add all ingredients and place dough onto floured surface. Kneed 5-10 times. Roll out to desired thickness.
Place onto cookie sheet or pizza pan.
Bake crust for 8-10 min at 350 degrees.
Take crust out.
Add pizza sauce and toppings.
Bake 15 min longer until cheese is melted.
Take out, cut, and ENJOY!

I would love to know if you try any of these recipes.
Have a delicious, stress free week of  healthy eating!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Five on Friday!

It has been a pretty good week around here. Always busy but always good.

One. Little Blue Truck
This is currently Bo's favorite book. We only read it 20 times a day. Over and Over again. I love it because he can't rip all the pages out. We have already lost two books to Bo's strong muscles. Plus, I have the the whole book memorized.

Two. Christmas
I made my first Christmas purchase last week. I do not like Christmas shopping or making Christmas lists. I also do not like thinking about it in October. I talked Dean into going to a craft fair and our only purchases were this ornament and a DELICIOUS wheat pretzel. Totally worth it!!

Three. Running
A few weeks ago, I signed up for a 10k. I wanted to do one more race before it got too cold out. It's this weekend and I hope I'm ready. Bo and I have been running everyday. I don't know if he likes our daily runs but I do. He is the best running buddy and I get to exercise without him climbing all over me.

Four. Sewing
Last year, I made a couple Taggie Blankets for friends. I ended up with a lot of extra fabric. so I made some others. I also made a couple skirts, infinity scarfts, and a carseat blanket. I would like to sell them so if anybody is looking for anything, Hit me up!

Five. COLD!!!
It seems to be getting colder and colder everyday. Bo and I try to hold out from turning on the furnace during the week, but when Dean gets home he complains about how cold it is. Long sleeves, sweaters, and slippers. I am not looking forward to winter. I love the fall colors but would be happy with 75 degrees.

Happy Weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Easy at home Workout

This morning a friend sent me a message to keep sending her workout tips. That just made my morning! I was sitting in the doctor's office with Bo, who has a nasty cold. I've been posting workouts and exercises but not really feeling fulfilled. It's so hard to really know what's happening when it's all on social media. Just knowing that someone is using them makes it all worth it.

On that note, here is the workout I'm doing this week. I'm still doing my workout from last week on my non running days, but on my big cardio days, I am doing these exercises. The thing I really like about this set is that it targets abs and legs, can be done in under 5 min, and you can do them anywhere. You can also modify any of the exercises to make them easier or harder.

Here is how I'm working out this week.
Cardio-I am training for a 10k, so that 30 min of running for me.
Complete exercises. I do two sets.

Here is how I would recommend to you to do this workout.
Cardio-5 to 10 min running, biking, or using an elliptical machine.
Complete exercises-Do one or two sets.
Cardio-5 to 10 min running, biking, or using an elliptical machine.
Complete exercises-Do one or two sets.
This makes your workout approx 20 to 25 min.

To make your workout 30 min, add one more set of cardio and exercises. You can also do all your cardio at the beginning, like me, if you are doing a long run or bike ride.

I have the exercises listed in a progression. I like doing exercises this way because you get a little harder each day, not all at once. It also helps boost your confidence in being able to complete them.

This is an easy workout that can be done at home or in the gym. Hopefully, these little tips help you have success completing your fitness goals.

Last week's exercises, in case you want to challenge yourself.

Friday, October 3, 2014


I told myself I was going to be more intentional about blogging this fall. I have lots of recipes, workouts, and life happenings I want to share. It just seems hard to find the time to sit down and write. Especially, when there is a 14 month old demanding snacks, attentions, and playtime outside.

One. Meal Planning
I decided to take on the task of planning our dinners for a whole month. I only planned the week days since weekends are unpredictable for us. I made my grocery list and headed to Wal Mart. It has been two weeks and its going very well. I am eating better lunches because we have leftovers from dinner and I don't spend half the day trying to decide what to do for dinner. I use the BigOven app on my phone and its meal planning feature. It also sends the ingredients for each recipe to a grocery list so you know just what you need at the store. The hardest part was deciding what meals to make but it is saving us time and money.

Two. Apples
One of my favorite things to do in the fall is pick apples. We used to go when I was a kid and I have such fond memories of those trips. There are quite a few orchards near where we live and one U Pick apples for 50 cents a pound. 50 CENTS!!!! I couldn't wait to go and finally dragged Bo and Dean with me. We ended up with about 40 lbs. I have been peeling, coring, and slicing for days. I finally got the last of them in the freezer. I also made apple butter, apple bread, apple pumpkin muffins, apple salad, and apple cobbler. I need a break from apples.

Three. Running
I love to run. I especially love it in the fall when the leaves are changing colors. Bo and I try to go every day but don't always make it. Pushing the stroller is tough. I signed up for my second 10k this year so really need to continue logging the miles. It will probably be my last race of the season so I want to do well.

Four. New Workouts
A group of ladies from my church were looking for some exercise ideas. Dean and I try hard to stay in shape so I agreed to give them some workouts and try to motivate them on their fitness journeys. I have been struggling with the desire to become a personal trainer or not, and what I can do at home to keep busy. Working with these ladies has given me motivation in my own workouts and I think they are enjoying it. Maybe it will become something more but we shall see.

Five. Bo
This little guy is keeping us on our toes. At 14 months old, he is everywhere. He is walking really well now and even talks a little. His new favorite word is hot. He uses it at very appropriate times too. He gets into everything and loves to make messes. He loves to be outside and play in the dirt. He makes us laugh so much and has the sweetest personality. We are so blessed to be his parents.

Have a great weekend everyone. I will be back to post a new workout next week!!

5 on Friday with A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life.