Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week 28

I have officially entered the third trimester!! Nothing really eventful happened this week. Bo keeps growing and kicking like crazy. We are trying not to look forward too much and begin counting down the days but it is hard to not think toward the future and stay in the present. We have so much to get done before he gets here. It has been quite rainy here and everything is muddy. I will be happy when cold and rain are officially over. Thankfully, we are starting to have some nice days and many more are on the horizon. I can't wait until it is warm all the time and there is less rain. We have lots to do outside.
I have started to notice a slight change in my energy level. Some days it is really low and other days I just want to do everything. It is also getting more difficult to bend down and get back up again. I have been trying to help Dean outside picking up sticks and cleaning up the woods, but I had to quit the stick gathering because it was difficult and there are just so many sticks. Now I just rake them into a pile. The people at work are starting to notice more and more my belly sticking out. I will not be upset when people stop talking about my stomach and how much it is growing. Unfortunately, I still have quite a while before that happens. We are thankful every day that Bo is staying healthy and I am not having any problems. My biggest problem now is finding more maternity clothes to accommodate my growing size. I do not like shopping and I haven't found many shirts that I even like. So.....I may just start wearing Dean's shirts instead. Only 11 weeks to go! The picture quality this week is awful. Sorry. I think you still get the effect. Blame Dean, he takes the pictures.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 27 and the Glucose Test

I had a very good week. I started the week off still battling my cold. My pregnancy weeks start on Friday so Saturday and Sunday Dean put me on bed rest. He was gone on Saturday for work, so I just laid around all day watching tv and eating the last of my Easter candy. I just couldn't look at it anymore. Plus I knew that Thursday was my glucose test and I was going to try not to consume a lot of sugar leading up to Thursday. So I just finished off all my candy. It was delicious. Lying around was also nice, but I didn't get to go to church on Sunday either. I didn't really want to give anyone else my cold and I was still feeling pretty icky. After that my cold pretty much subsided besides a runny nose. My coughing and nose blowing didn't seem to bother Bo. He just kept right on kicking and moving around. I did pretty good not eating candy also. I had a few Twizzler bites but that was it. And kool aid, of course. We would not survive without kool aid. Although I did develop a new craving this week for water. Not because I was dehydrated, because I wasn't but just for the taste. Strange. Today I had the infamous glucose test. A 10 oz bottle of orange, sugary liquid. I LOVED it!! Maybe everyone else takes a gross kind, because I don't know how you couldn't like this. It tasted just like orange soda or the orange HI-C drink from McDonalds. Maybe it is the fact that Dean has banned me from McDonalds or I'm not allowed to drink so. I don't know but I drank that whole bottle in less than one minute. Then I went to the doctor and got my whooping cough shot and had my blood drawn. It was a great morning. I also got to go into work late and Dean let me buy a donut after we got done at the doctor. He is WONDERFUL!!! Not just because he let me buy a donut but especially because of that today. We are now to the point where we have to go to the doctor every two weeks. Nothing ever happens when I go to the doctor, she just tells me I'm still pregnant and sends me on my way. So I feel like it is maybe a waste of time. Especially because Dean always goes with me. But it does mean that we are getting closer to actually having a baby, which is exciting and scary. If the ladies at work would just stop telling labor horror stories I would be fine. We are getting more excited and staring to really think about all that we need for the nursery and for life after he arrives. So much to do and only 85 days to go!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week 26

This week was relatively uneventful. It was most likely due to the nasty cold I picked up over the weekend and fought all week long. We went to the Detroit Zoo with a group of kids and it was FREEZING. It was so windy and cold. I forgot my sock hat so my head got blasted with wind and cold. I have been pretty healthy through this whole pregnancy. I got my flu shot and watched all my coworkers come down the the flu, while I was as healthy as can be. But after the zoo, not even my vitamins could keep this cold away. I suffered through each day blowing my nose and coughing. I didn't want to take any medicine so I got some Vicks and cough drops to ease my symptoms. It helped but didn't chase the cold away. Other than that, it was a very good week. Bo has been moving so much. I tried to figure out his schedule of when he moves the most and when he may be sleeping. But I can't figure it out. He moves all the time. When I am sitting, standing, eating, lying down. All the time. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night and roll over, he just starts beating away on my belly. Dean has started watching my stomach to see if he can see him kick but it seems every time Dean stares Bo doesn't move at all. He must know we are watching him. I love feeling him move and know that he is active and healthy. He just keeps growing and growing and I do too.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Less than 100!!!

Its week 25 and we are down to just under 100 days until our due date. It seems like it was just October and we were finding out that we were having a baby. As I think about all the time has passed, I start thinking about the little amount of time we have left. We still have so much to do and its getting busier and busier. I was just telling Dean that I don't know when things are going to slow down but as soon as they do, we will have a baby and things will never slow down again.
This has been a pretty good week. We went to the doctor again and everything is going good. It was a pretty uneventful appointment. My back pain has subsided for the most part and I am feeling pretty good. He kicks pretty much all day and every time I wake up in the night. Dean has been reading him stories at night too. Its fun to listen to Dean talk to him and tell him stories. I have kind of been freaking out about my weight gain this week too. Of course, my doctor said that I am doing fine and there is nothing to worry about but I still worry about gaining too much. I am pretty sure I won't end up not gaining enough. I am also missing my exercise. Running, especially. We are counting down the days to meeting Bo, but have so much to do still before he arrives.