Friday, February 27, 2015


It's finally Friday!! It wasn't a hard week so getting to Friday isn't such a monumental achievement for us this week. Things pretty much stay the same for Bo and I but we get to see Dean for TWO whole days without interruption. That is the best thing about Friday! I thought I would throw out some thoughts from our week.

ONE. Barnes and Noble
I don't like shopping but I love books. Bo doesn't like shopping but he loves books. It was the perfect place for us to play earlier this week when it was FREEZING and super windy. I didn't really get to book shop for myself but I did get to look at a lot of children's books. Bo loved looking at all the truck and dog books. We may have to hit the library soon to add a little book variety. He also LOVED the train set they had in the children's section. He could have stayed all day playing with the trains and saying "choo choo". I also love that you aren't really pressured into buying anything. The salespeople don't hound you and it's so relaxed. It was a very fun little trip for him and me.

TWO. Where is Spring?
I'm so ready for winter to be over. I love the nice, clean snow but am ready for it to warm up. Bo wants to go outside so badly but it is just too cold. It's getting more difficult to keep him entertained all day.

THREE. My little helper
Bo loves to help. His version of helping is not always really helping but he tries very hard to copy what we are doing and wants to be in the action. I often have to wait until nap time to do some things because he just can't help. I am so glad he likes to try to help and hopefully he keeps that attitude for years to come.

FOUR. My two guys.
I love watching them spend time together. It cracks me up.

FIVE. Sleeping.
Some nights we struggle with bedtime. Especially if it wasn't a good nap day. Or sometimes Bo just decides he wants to take a morning nap and go to bed early and get up early. I don't really like those days. Hopefully, he gets it all figured out before we have two to put to bed.

Have a great weekend! I will be enjoying it with my two favorite guys!!

5 on Friday with A. Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmHello! Happiness, and The Good Life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bo @ 19 months

Oh Bo! He is growing up so quickly. He is developing a nice, little vocabulary and has an awesome personality. There is never a dull moment when he is around. I definitely stay busy every minute he is awake. 

@ 19 months Bo
  • wears 12-18 month clothes. He has to wear 12 month pants cause he is short but 18 month shirts since he still has his little belly.
  • just switched to size 5 diapers
  • weighs approx 24 lbs and is approx 32 inches tall
  • loves cars, trucks, trains, and dogs.
  • could spend all day having books read to him. Especially by Daddy.
  • takes one nap for about 2 hours daily.
  • loves to help. His current favorite thing is helping move wood for the wood furnace when its nice enough to go outside. He also loves to help with the dishes and setting the table.
  • eats just about anything. He is currently going through a phase where he only wants snacks and doesn't want to eat dinner.
  • has started throwing tantrums. He is very good at using the word No and is very stubborn when he wants something.
  • says dad, mom, hot, dog, truck, duck, frog, toad, bird, hop, no, snow, up, hi, nose, eye, toes, belly, milk, snack and others I am sure I am not thinking of.
  • knows his body parts
  • makes animal sounds for horse, cow, bunny (hop), pig, chicken, bear, dog
  • loves to play peek a boo
  • loves bath time and going outside
  • loves talking on the phone and playing with daddy's phone
  • gets into everything and climbs on everything
  • is very sneaky. If it's quiet you know he is up to something.
  • wants to be just like his Daddy!
He is an absolute joy and I don't know what we would do without him. He makes us laugh and keeps us on our toes. It is so fun to see him grow and learn. We love him so much!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Baby #2: Pregnancy so far

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. We truly are excited about having another baby!

I have been really awful at documenting this pregnancy. Pictures and updates have been pretty non existent but with Dean leaving soon for his Air Force assignment I want to make sure and document things better so I remember them.

We were not expecting to be expecting so quickly again. Bo had just stopped nursing so we figured it would take a few months at least before we got pregnant again.

@6 wks I finally took a test and SURPRISE!
@7 wks we had our first doctor appointment and heard the heartbeat. We were really having a baby.
@8 wks I started getting some morning sickness, basically just nauseous. No throwing up.
wks 9-12 were pretty easy. Having Bo to chase around really helped keep my mind off of getting sick or being tired. There was no time for that.
@ 12 wks we had our second dr appointment. Still pregnant. Still having a hard time believing that we were really having another baby!
@15 wks we told our families. They were quite surprised.
wks 17-23 have all kind of been uneventful. We started feeling baby move about week 17 and had our ultrasound at wk 20. Unfortunately, they couldn't determine the gender so we don't know if we are having a boy or girl.

Overall, I have been feeling really great. I'm exercising as much as I'm able and still sleeping pretty well. Bo doesn't really understand what is going on and has a hard time with not being able to climb all over my belly. He has been a trooper at all the doctor appointments. I know he will be a great brother. I will try to update biweekly or so.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2014 in review

I have been absent from this blog for quite some time. Life has been busy and I just haven't felt like I had the time to really sit down and post. Hopefully, I will be better about it starting now.

I really wanted to post a review of our whole 2014. It was a busy year and one I want to remember.

January started off nice and slow. Bo turned six months old and started eating solid foods. We loved watching him try new things and he seemed to love everything and still does.

February was about the same. We only had a couple small events to attend otherwise we just enjoyed winter. At seven months, Bo was working on sitting up by himself and scooting across the floor.

March started our craziness. We celebrated Dean's birthday and traveled like crazy. We traveled with Dean to Anaheim, CA for work. We got to visit my little sister and go to Disneyland. It was Bo's first plane ride and he did awesome! We also went to Tennessee on vacation. We had a great time at Dollywood and exploring the area.


April was another busy month, Bo went to his first Detroit Tigers game. We also traveled to Hawaii over Easter and had a great time! Long flights but great weather and sightseeing.

May gave us a nice reprieve from all the traveling. We got to hang out at home and enjoy the nice spring weather. Bo started walking with help and getting into everything.

June sent us to Alaska, which was an amazing experience. Another long flight but Bo did great once again. We had a wonderful time and got to see moose, whales, sea lions, and eagles. It was very cold but a very fun trip.


July gave us the last two states Dean and I needed to have been in all 50. We traveled to Oregon and Washington. Both were beautiful and we had a really fun time. Bo also turned 1 and officially started walking on his own. He had a great birthday and got lots of great presents. We participated in the Michigan Indian Family Olympics and all did great. Dean and I won our fair share of medals and Bo won first place in the Baby Crawl. We can't wait to go again! My parents came for a visit and we all went to our first Cubs game. It was fun, even though we are not Cubs fans.


August was hot! We attended the Potawatomi Gathering and I got my front tooth knocked out by a hickory stick. It was quite a story and a sad way to end my weekend. We spent the rest of the month at home enjoying the last bit of summer.

September started with my birthday and walking the Mackinac Bridge. We love this family tradition.  Dean ran a Tough Mudder and did great! Dean and I went to the Michigan vs Minnesota football game, where they lost and started the unraveling of their season. It was still a nice date for just the two of us.

October started with some big decisions. He decided to join the Air National Guard. We are very proud of him and glad he decided to do this. He also started a new job with the tribe as the Wellness Manager. No more long hours, trips, or weekends full of work things. Bo turned 15 months old and was as active as ever. He loves helping and trying to be a big boy.

November was a more relaxing month for us. We got to enjoy a Detroit Lions game and spend Thanksgiving in Iowa. Dean and his brothers went pheasant hunting and even got a few.

December was a fun month for us. We attended a few Christmas parties and celebrated with both sides of our families. Unfortunately, we all got sick between visits and spent most of our time in Iowa coughing and sleeping. Bo had a great time opening presents and playing with his new toys. We even gave everyone a nice surprise.
Starting June 2015

We had a wonderful and busy 2014. We are looking forward to what 2015 has in store and all that will be happening. We are truly blessed and thankful for what God has given us.
