Friday, June 28, 2013

36 weeks

Four weeks left!! It has gone so fast. Every time I think that we are almost ready, I find something else that needs to be done. Dean was gone this whole week so it has been difficult to get a ton of things ready when I need his muscle. Thankfully, my mom came to visit and did so much. She went above and beyond what we could have asked of her. She painted, cleaned, mowed, did laundry, and so much more. She was so helpful. Thanks to her we are so much closer to being ready. It was also nice to have some company while Dean was away. We started our weekly baby visits and everything has been going well. Our doctor thinks that Bo will probably be a week 39 or 40 baby. We would like him to wait until after the 4th. He has still been moving a lot. He always gets his kick count done quick. I have been feeling really good. It is getting harder to tie my shoes and work in the garden but I am making due. Thanks to my mom things were so much easier and a lot got done. She was even helpful with the garter snakes. Thanks Mom!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

35 weeks

This was a pretty busy week for us. We've been busy working, working, working. I think it took about the whole week to recover from last weeks few days of vacation. We also only had 2 days of softball which was nice. We even ordered pizza in the middle of the week! Pizza is usually reserved for Fridays only. We had another baby class. I know they are supposed to be informative and help prepare you for labor but it did nothing to ease my anxiety about the whole process. We got to tour the birthing center which was good. It was nice to see where we would be and that they try to make you very comfortable. It still makes me nervous. We also started weekly checkups this week. Bo is head down but still sitting pretty high. His heartbeat was good. He even kicked the Doppler when she put it on my stomach. Everything looks good so far and our doctor is predicting that he won't be here early. I have mixed feeling about that as I want him to be here but I know things will change drastically when he comes. I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks being pregnant but I am getting antsy to start doing all the things I used to be able to do without having to ask for help. My mom will be here next week to help us with some projects and get everything ready for baby. Dean is also getting pretty excited. Its fun to listen to him talk about doing things with the baby and listen to him talk to him. Its funny to hear him telling him about the Heat games and giving him sports info. It will be nice when there is someone else Dean can talk NBA basketball with. It's just not my favorite sport. Plus probably 90% of our baby clothes have some sort of sports theme, so he has to love sports right? Now we just have to wait patiently while he finishes growing and gets ready to make his arrival. What an amazing miracle God has given to us. We are so blessed and excited about our future with this little boy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Week 34

Another week down! I have been feeling great this week. On Saturday Dean ran a marathon and I walked a 5k. He did awesome!! I may have overdone it a little bit because I was quite tired and had horrible shin splints for the next two days. I know Bo was feeling a little stressed also. I was trying to walk as fast as I could so I could beat Dean to the finish line and watch him run in, but he beat me. It was really fun watching him run, but I wanted to be running too. I should just learn to be patient. I am sure once I can start running again, I might not be quite so excited. After the marathon, we went to Babies R Us and bought our Stroller, Car Seat, and Pack n Play. I had coupons, thanks to a friend at work, so everything was on sale. We haven't put anything together or opened up the packages but we have them. I feel slightly more comfortable just knowing we have it, if he should come soon. We are hoping he waits just a few more weeks.

Bo has been so active. I don't think I go an hour without him kicking or rolling at least 10 times. Last week at my doctor appointment, they gave me a sheet to start counting his kicks. So far it hasn't taken him more than 7 minutes to kick or move around 10 times. It is starting to get more uncomfortable when he is moving around and I am trying to exercise, eat, or bend over. We also started our baby classes this week. They are interesting but I don't feel like I am learning TONS of new information. I guess I read too many books and articles. Dean has been going with me and he has survived so far.

The rest of June is very busy, so hopefully Bo will wait until July to come. I am hoping for after the 21st. That is 37 weeks. I know we don't get to pick when he comes but I can wish right? We also do not have a name chosen yet. People have started asking that and we still have not decided. We have 4 or 5 that we like but can't seem to decide which one fits the best. It has been quite the process and is still working itself out. Maybe we will wait until we meet him to choose. Hmm.....