Thursday, April 18, 2013

Week 27 and the Glucose Test

I had a very good week. I started the week off still battling my cold. My pregnancy weeks start on Friday so Saturday and Sunday Dean put me on bed rest. He was gone on Saturday for work, so I just laid around all day watching tv and eating the last of my Easter candy. I just couldn't look at it anymore. Plus I knew that Thursday was my glucose test and I was going to try not to consume a lot of sugar leading up to Thursday. So I just finished off all my candy. It was delicious. Lying around was also nice, but I didn't get to go to church on Sunday either. I didn't really want to give anyone else my cold and I was still feeling pretty icky. After that my cold pretty much subsided besides a runny nose. My coughing and nose blowing didn't seem to bother Bo. He just kept right on kicking and moving around. I did pretty good not eating candy also. I had a few Twizzler bites but that was it. And kool aid, of course. We would not survive without kool aid. Although I did develop a new craving this week for water. Not because I was dehydrated, because I wasn't but just for the taste. Strange. Today I had the infamous glucose test. A 10 oz bottle of orange, sugary liquid. I LOVED it!! Maybe everyone else takes a gross kind, because I don't know how you couldn't like this. It tasted just like orange soda or the orange HI-C drink from McDonalds. Maybe it is the fact that Dean has banned me from McDonalds or I'm not allowed to drink so. I don't know but I drank that whole bottle in less than one minute. Then I went to the doctor and got my whooping cough shot and had my blood drawn. It was a great morning. I also got to go into work late and Dean let me buy a donut after we got done at the doctor. He is WONDERFUL!!! Not just because he let me buy a donut but especially because of that today. We are now to the point where we have to go to the doctor every two weeks. Nothing ever happens when I go to the doctor, she just tells me I'm still pregnant and sends me on my way. So I feel like it is maybe a waste of time. Especially because Dean always goes with me. But it does mean that we are getting closer to actually having a baby, which is exciting and scary. If the ladies at work would just stop telling labor horror stories I would be fine. We are getting more excited and staring to really think about all that we need for the nursery and for life after he arrives. So much to do and only 85 days to go!

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