At 23 months Bo
- weighs approx 26 lbs
- wears 18 month-2T tops
- wears 12 month-18 month bottoms
- wears size 5 diapers
- wears size 6 shoes
- loves trucks, cars, planes, trains-basically any type of vehicle
- loves to be outside
- loves playing in the dirt and rocks but doesn't really like to be dirty
- loves playing in water
- is pretty good at hitting a ball off a tee
- loves to run
- can identify most animals and say their sound if they make one
- likes to sleep with a tractor, truck, and bucket truck
- likes to talk about going potty but doesn't actually like to try and use the potty
- takes 2 hour naps
- sleeps through the night most of the time
- has a big vocabulary and can repeat most of what he hears
- is able to follow most directions and do what is asked
- eats almost anything
- LOVES jellybeans
Bo is such a happy boy. He loves to imitate whatever Dean does and be his helper. He doesn't quite understand that he is going to be a big brother or that there is going to be a baby moving in soon but he wants to help. We are so excited to see him in the role of big brother. He is constantly doing something new and always keeps us on our toes. I can't believe he is almost 2!!