Friday, January 29, 2016

Reagan @ 7 months

I am finally writing this! Reagan is almost halfway to 8 months but better late than never. Right?

Seven Months Old

Height:24 3/4 in

Weight:14 lbs 13 oz

Likes: Bo, Bo, Bo! She won't nap if he is around because she MUST know what he is doing. She loves to sit and watch him and just laugh at all he does. She also loves sitting up, playing with Bo's toys, and being the center of attention. She loves baths and trying to suck all the water out of the washcloth. There aren't many things she doesn't like and it's so fun to see her find new things she does enjoy.

Dislikes: Sleeping. This girl does not like to sleep! She fights naps and still doesn't sleep through the night. She still hates being alone and lets you know it!

New Things: She started food! I can't say that she really likes pureed baby food or cereal but she will eat some. The only way she eats it is if she can stick her fingers in afterwards. Even then, she blows most of it back out onto me. She laughs and laughs and makes a BIG mess! She really loves table food. She doesn't get much but will go to town on sweet potato sticks, mum mum crackers, and bread or pretzels if she can get a hold of them. She has eaten green beans, pears, sweet potatoes, carrots, and rice cereal. She scoots backwards, rolls everywhere, and has started saying "da-da". She is so close to crawling forward. I am pretty sure that Bo is going to have a fit when she really starts moving. She has also started crying when you take things away from her and won't stop until she gets it back. She is an onery thing. She must be watching her brother.

We love our little Reggy!!

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